5.5 RF Receiving Characteristics

All parameters refer to GND (backplane) and are valid for Tamb = -40°C to +85°C, VVS = 1.9-3.6V (3V application) and 2.4-5.5V (5V application) over all process tolerances unless otherwise specified. Typical values are given at VVS = 5V, Tamb = 25°C and for a typical process unless otherwise specified. Crystal oscillator frequency fXTO = 24.305 MHz. Standard EEPROM settings are used unless marked with *1.
No.ParametersTest ConditionsPinSymbolMin.Typ.Max.UnitType*
Frequency Ranges and Frequency Resolution of PLL for RXMode, TXMode and PollingMode
3.00RF operating frequency range 315 MHz Low-bandFECR.LBNHB = 1

FECR.S4N3 = 0

1, 7fRange_LB1_315310315318MHzA
3.10RF operating frequency range 433 MHz Low-bandFECR.LBNHB = 1

FECR.S4N3 = 1

1, 7fRange_LB2_433418433.92477MHzB
3.30RF operating frequency range High-bandFECR.LBNHB = 0

FECR.S4N3 = 0

2, 7fRange_B4_868836868.3956MHz B
3.40Frequency resolution PLLLow-band fXTO/2181, 2, 7DFPLL92.72HzB
High-band fXTO/217185.43B

RXMode and PollingMode Receive Characteristics

IF bandwidth specifications are examples usable for parameter extrapolation if other IF bandwidth values are used

4.00Receiver 3 dB bandwidthProgrammable digital IF filter1, 2BWIF25366kHzB
4.10ASK and FSK transparent mode data rate Manchester modeat 25 kHz IF-BW1, 2DRTM0.257Kbit/sB
at 50 kHz IF-BW14B
at 80 kHz IF-BW 20B
at 165 kHz IF-BW 50B
at 237 kHz IF-BW 80B
at 366 kHz IF-BW80B
4.20Modulation index FSKη = frequency_deviation/symbol_rate recommended1, 2η0.5







4.30 Frequency deviation Maximum usable frequency deviation is base-band clock dependant

fDEV_Max = CLK_BB/8

1, 2fDEV kHz
at 25 kHz IF-BW±0.375±9B
at 50 kHz IF-BW±0.75±18B
at 80 kHz IF-BW±1.2±26B
at 165 kHz IF-BW±2.5±60B
at 237 kHz IF-BW±3.5±93B
at 366 kHz IF-BW±5.4±93B
4.40 ASK and FSK transparent mode symbol rate NRZ mode Used to receive NRZ, Keyloq, PPM, 1/3 2/3 Coded telegrams 1, 2SRTM_OPT 0.5 Ksym/s
at 25 kHz IF-BW 14B
at 50 kHz IF-BW 28B
at 80 kHz IF-BW40B
at 165 kHz IF-BW100B
at 237 kHz IF-BW160B
at 366 kHz IF-BW160B
4.70Data rate tolerance FSK and ASKLoss of sensitivity <1 dB1, 2DRTOL-10+10%B
4.80Buffered data rate Manchester and NRZ mode TMDO output is buffered internally and readout via SPI interface1, 2DRBuffered
Manchester mode0.2580Kbit/sB
NRZ mode0.5120Ksym/sB
4.90FSK Sensitivity level


Manchester encoded

Receiving100 bit Packets with 9 of 10 Packets Error Free


BER = 10^-3 Continuous RX

measured at TMDO output or buffered via SPI for DR < DR Buffered

FSK at 25 kHz IF bandwidth Tamb = 25°C(1), 17, 19-3dB+3 dBdBm
0.75 Kbit/s ± 0.75 kHz SFSKB25_R0.75-122.5B
5 Kbit/s ± 2.4 kHzSFSKB25_R5_2.4-113.5B
5.00FSK at 80 kHz IF bandwidth Tamb = 25°C(1), 17, 19-3 dB+3 dBdBm
2.4 Kbit/s ± 2.4 kHz SFSKB80_R2_4 -117B
20 Kbit/s ± 20 kHzSFSKB80_R20-108.5B
5.10FSK at 165 kHz IF bandwidth Tamb = 25°C (1), 17, 19-3 dB+3 dBdBm
5 Kbit/s ± 5 kHzSFSKB165_R5-114B
40 Kbit/s ± 40 kHzSFSKB165_R40-105.5B
5.20ASK Sensitivity level

315 MHz/433.92 MHz

Manchester encoded

Receiving 100-bit Packets with 9 of 10 Packets Error Free


BER = 10^-3 Continuous RX

measured at TMDO output or buffered via SPI for DR < DRBuffered

FSK at 366 kHz IF bandwidth Tamb = 25°C(1), 17, 19-3dB+3 dBdBm
20 Kbit/s ± 20 kHzSFSKB366_R20-107.5B
80 Kbit/s ± 80 kHzSFSKB366_R80-100.5B
5.30ASK at 25 kHz IF bandwidth (100% ASK level of carrier value)

Tamb = 25°C

+3 dBdBm
0.5 Kbit/s (1), 17, 19SASKB25_R0_5-3 dB-125B
5 Kbit/sSASKB25_R5-117.5B
5.40ASK at 80 kHz IF bandwidth (100% ASK level of carrier value)

Tamb = 25°C

1 Kbit/sSASKB80_R1-3 dB-121.5+3 dBdBmB
20 Kbit/s(1), 17,19SASKB80_R20-110.5B
5.50ASK at 165 kHz IF bandwidth (100% ASK level of carrier value)

Tamb = 25°C

-3 dB+3 dBdBm
1 Kbit/s(1), 17, 19SASKB165_R1-120.5B
40 Kbit/sSASKB165_R40-107.5B
5.60ASK at 366 kHz IF bandwidth (100% ASK level of carrier value)

Tamb = 25°C

(1), 17,19-3 dB+3 dBdBm
1 Kbit/sSASKB366_R1-118.5B
80 Kbit/sSASKB366_R80-103.5B
5.70Sensitivity change High-bandHigh-band 868.3 MHz compared to Low-band sensitivity to be added to min/typ/max values of parameters no. 4.90 to 5.6(2)ΔSHB111dBB
5.80Sensitivity change Full ambient temperature rangeTamb = -40°C to +85°C(1)


5.90Sensitivity change NRZCompared to Machester NRZ using no more than 8 succeeding ‘0’ or ‘1’ symbols (1,2)ΔSNRZ
6.00 Sensitivity change TRPA/B raw data Compared to matched filter TMDO signal on pin 17, Manchester encoded(1,2), 16, 17, 19 ΔSRAW_DATA dB


6.20Sensitivity change for frequency deviations lower than configuredConfigured for maximum fDEVM. Sensitivity degradation at fDEVM/3 compared to fDEVM, S = SFSK_ASK+ΔS(1,2)ΔS:fdevM_323dBC
6.30Value change from ASK level to OOK levelTo calculate OOK values from ASK 100% level of carrier values. For example, 2.4 Kbit at 165 kHz IF bandwidth ASK: 100% level of Carrier – 117 dBm = OOK: -111 dBm


6.90 315MHz/ 433 MHz blocking

Manchester encoded

Useful signal level increased 3 dB above sensitivity level

Blocking measured relative to useful signal level Receiving 100-bit Packets with 9 of 10 Packets Error Free


BER = 10^-3 Continuous RX

Excluding spurious receiving frequencies

At 25 kHz IF bandwidth, FSK,

Tamb = 25°C

2.4 Kbit/s ± 2.4 kHz

(1,2)fdist.≥ 50 kHz 40 dBcC
fdist.≥ 100 kHz46C
fdist.≥ 225 kHz58C
fdist.≥ 450 kHz64C
fdist.≥ 1 MHz73C
fdist.≥ 4 MHz78C
7.00At 80 kHz IF bandwidth, FSK,

Tamb = 25°C

10 Kbit/s ± 10 kHz

(1,2)fdist. ≥ 150 kHz45 dBcC
fdist. ≥ 225 kHz52C
fdist. ≥ 450 kHz58C
fdist. ≥ 1 MHz 67C
fdist. ≥ 4 MHz


fdist. ≥ 10 MHz71C
7.10At 165 kHz IF bandwidth,FSK, Tamb = 25°C

20 Kbit/s ± 20 kHz

(1,2)fdist. ≥ 225 kHz48dBcC
fdist. ≥ 450 kHz54C
fdist. ≥ 1 MHz64C
fdist.≥ 4 MHz68C
fdist.≥ 10 MHz68C
7.20At 366 kHz IF

bandwidth, FSK,

Tamb = 25°C

20 Kbit/s ± 20 kHz

(1,2) fdist. ≥ 500 kHz55dBc C
fdist. ≥ 1 MHz64C
fdist. ≥ 4 MHz68C
fdist.≥ 10 MHz68C
7.30 868 MHz/915 MHz blocking

Manchester encoded

Useful signal level increased 3 dB above unblocked sensitivity level

Blocking measured relative to useful signal level

Receiving 100-bit Packets with 9 of 10 Packets Error Free


BER = 10^-3

Continuous RX

Excluding spurious receiving frequencies

At 25 kHz IF bandwidth, FSK,

Tamb = 25°C

2.4 Kbit/s ± 2.4 kHz

(1,2)fdist. ≥ 50 kHz34 ––dBc C
fdist.≥ 100 kHz 40C
fdist. ≥ 225 kHz


fdist. ≥ 450 kHz 58C
fdist. ≥ 1 MHz 67C
fdist. ≥ 4 MHz 75C
fdist. > 10 MHz 75C
7.40At 80 kHz IF bandwidth, FSK,

Tamb = 25°C

10 Kbit/s ± 10 kHz

fdist.≥ 150 kHz 39C
fdist. ≥ 225 kHz46C
(1,2)fdist.≥ 450 kHz 52dBcC
fdist. ≥ 1 MHz 62C
fdist. ≥ 4 MHz 68C
fdist. > 10 MHz68C
7.50At 165 kHz IF bandwidth, FSK, Tamb = 25°C

20 Kbit/s ± 20 kHz

(1,2)fdist.≥ 225 kHz 42dBcC
fdist. ≥ 450 kHz 48C
fdist. ≥ 1 MHz 58C
fdist. ≥ 4 MHz 65C
fdist. > 10 MHz65C
7.60 At 366 kHz IF bandwidth, FSK,

Tamb = 25°C

20 Kbit/s ± 20 kHz

(1,2) fdist.≥ 500 kHz49 dBc C
fdist.≥ 1 MHz



fdist. ≥ 4 MHz65C
fdist. > 10 MHz65C
7.70 Image rejection Low-band(1,2)IMRED 4555dBA
no adaptive algorithm used; therefore,numbers valid if large disturber applied before useful signal
7.80Blocking 3fLO, 5fLO Low-band (1,2) BLNfLO dB
7.90Nominal IF frequencyRxDSP property depends on nominal RF frequency and DIV_IF

fIF = fRF/(DIV_IF * 6)

8.10System input referred compression pointNo AGC is used; therefore, the full dynamic is available to receive signals at sensitivity level on pin(1,2)ICP1dB-45dBmB
8.20System input referred 3rd-order intercept pointLow-band High-band(1,2)IIP3




Max, useful RX input level without damping

System works from sensitivity level up to that level with

BER = 10-3

8.40Max, useful RX input level with dampingSystem works from sensitivity level up to that level with

BER = 10-3

8.50Input impedanceMeasured on application board,RC parallel equivalent circuitZin -20% +20%
315 MHz1870C
433.92 MHz1400C
868.3 MHz2340C
915 MHz2330C
8.60LNA amplitude detector switch levelFirmware switches SPDT to damping on if a level above SGainswitch is present during start of RXMode(1,2)PGainswitch-39dBmB
8.70 SPDT switch RX insertion loss Damping-off Sensitivity matching RF_IN with SPDT to 50W compared to matching RF_IN directly to 50W (3,4) ILSwitch_RX
Low-band, 433.92 MHz0.71.1dBC
High-band, 868 MHz1.01.4dBC
8.80 SPDT switch RX damping ON Same matching as parameter no. 8.70

This influences the blocking behavior if measured at pin 4

(3,4) Dswitch
8.90LO spurious at LNA inputfreq > 1 GHz(1,2)PLO_LNA_IN-60-50dBmC
freq < 1 GHz-86-60dBmC

RSSI accuracy

Low-band -5.0+5.0
9.10RSSI relative accuracyMeasurement range

-100 dBm to -50 dBm

(1,2), 4RSSIREL_ACCU-1+1dBB
9.20RSSI resolutionDSP property(1,2), 4RSSIRES0.5dB/valueD
Note: *1 Type means: A = 100% tested, B = 100% correlation tested, C = Characterized on samples and D = Design parameter. A pin number in brackets means that they are measured matched to 50Ω on the application board.