6.5.4 Read Tamper History

  • When the key “d” is entered, the firmware turns off the SLCD, disables the tamer detection, and starts reading the RWW EEPROM section
  • The terminal window will display the history of tamper occurred as shown in the following figure
    Figure 6-13. Terminal Window when Tamper History Read
  • When the tamper history is displayed, the firmware will reconfigure the tamper in the previous mode in which it was operating
  • The tracking of previous mode is done by previous mode flag as mentioned in the sections WAKE Mode and CAPTURE Mode
  • As this memory is non-volatile, it will retain the value even after power reset. The first two bytes of the EEPROM emulated area contains the number of tampers occurred.
  • The EEPROM emulated area of SAML22N18A is approx. 8KB. Here, the firmware is capable of writing 128 entries of tamper, that means it utilizes 898 bytes of RWW EEPROM emulated area for recording tamper occurrence. After writing the 128th entry, the firmware will provide a warning that this is the last memory of EEPROM area and clean the memory, as shown in the Figure 6-12. The next tamper entry will not be recorded by the firmware until the user erases the RWW EEPROM memory.
  • However, the tamper will be detected and displayed in respective screens, but will not be stored in memory
    Note: As the tamper detection is disabled during the tamper history read operation the tamper conditions will not be detected until the tamper history read operation is completed.