34.1.2 Programmable Source Selection
The noninverting input source of the OPA module is selected using the Op Amp Noninverting Input Channel Selection (PCH) bits and can be connected to multiple internal sources or to an external input pin (OPAxIN+). If an external pin is chosen as the noninverting input source, the Positive Source Selection (PSS) bits may then be used to select from the available OPA noninverting input pins for the device.
The inverting input source of the OPA module is selected using the Op Amp Inverting Input Channel Selection (NCH) bits and can be connected to multiple internal sources or to an external input pin (OPAxIN-). If an external pin is chosen as the inverting input source, the Negative Source Selection (NSS) bits may then be used to select from the available inverting OPA input pins for the device.