34.3.1 Offset Calibration
The OPAxOFFSET register can be used to recalibrate or adjust the input offset voltage from the factory calibration. This can be accomplished by using the DAC module or an external constant-voltage source, in conjunction with the ADC module. The OPA input offset voltage can be re-calibrated using the following steps:
- Configure the DAC module to be used as a constant voltage reference connected to the
noninverting input (OPAxIN+) of the OPA module.
- An external constant voltage reference can be used, instead of the DAC, by connecting it to one of the external noninverting input pins.
- Configure the OPA module to operate in Unity Gain mode by setting the UG bit.
- Perform an ADC conversion to measure the voltage of the selected calibration source. The value read by the ADC during this conversion will serve as the calibration target.
- Use the ADC Positive Channel Selection (ADPCH) register to select the OPA output (OPAxOUT) and then measure the output voltage of the OPA module using the ADC.
- The difference between the measured value of the calibration target and the measured value of the OPA output can be used to determine the value needed to calibrate the OPA input offset voltage using the OPAxOFFSET register.
Important: The OPA input offset voltage is factory-calibrated and any data written to
the OPAxOFFSET register will adjust the input offset voltage from the factory-calibrated
value. The factory calibrated input offset voltage will be restored on a Reset event,
overwriting any previous data that may have been written to the register.