6.2.1 DIAG_CLOCK_Frequency

Software Requirement Reference ID : SW_CLOCK_PERIODIC_MONITOR_01.

This API checks the stability and reliability oscillation at the expected clock frequency.

This is the Periodic test for the CPU Clock frequency. The test consists in monitoring the frequency of a Timer/Counter (TC) using the Real Time Counter (RTC) module using PIT as a time reference. Note that the TC has the same clock domain as the CPU.

The test is implemented as follows. The PIT interrupt is scheduled periodically and a TC is configured with Period value of 0xFFFF. The RTC interrupt compares the absolute difference between the count in the TC and a predefined reference. If it is greater than expected, diag_clock_frequency_error is set

diag_clock_frequency_status_t DIAG_CLOCK_Frequency(
