1 Feature Differences
The overall architecture of the ATECC608B is very similar to that of the ATECC508A. The ATECC608B has some configuration mode changes but has the same number of data slots as the ATECC508A. The majority of commands are compatible but some new commands or modes have been introduced and a couple of commands of the ATECC508A are no longer supported.
Both devices support the I2C and SWI interface I/O protocols. The pinouts and footprints for the 8-pin SOIC, 8-pad UDFN and 3-pin RBH contact packages remain unchanged, allowing a pin-to-pin compatibility between devices.
The following sections describe the various feature differences available for the ATECC608B compared to the ATECC508A.1 This includes new features, updated features and features that have been removed from this device.