9.4.1 Step-by-step guide to enable semihosting in your application

  1. For MPLAB XC32 projects:
    1. Type -lrdimon-musl into the Project Properties, XC32 (Global Options) > Additional options text box.
    2. If it has not already been specified, enter a heap size in Project Properties, XC32 (Global Options) > xc32-ld > Heap size (bytes). For more information, see Allocating Heap Memory and MPLAB® XC32 C/C++ Compiler User's Guide for PIC32C/SAM MCUs.
      Figure 9-2. xc32-ld Options

    For Arm GCC projects:

    1. Type -lrdimon into the Project Properties, Arm GCC (Global Options) > arm-ld > Additional options text box.
    2. If you get a link error for the symbol end, add the following definition to your application linker script. It should have the same value as the existing _end symbol:
      end = DEFINED(end) ? end : . ;
      _end = .;
  2. Call Initialise_monitor_handles in your code before you make any semihosting calls. For example:
    extern void initialise_monitor_handles(void);
    int main (void){
       printf(“hello world!”);
  3. Add autoload.py script to your project by right clicking the project and selecting Add > Add autoload.py. Open the autoload.py file (located in project > Script Files) and copy the following code to the autoload.py file:
    def on_halted(pc): 
        bp = memPgm.Read16(pc) 
        if bp != 48811: #0xbeab 
            return False 
        deb.SetNamedReg("PC", pc+2) #move pc over swbp 
        return True 
    def semihost(): 
        r = deb.GetNamedReg("R0") 
        if r == 12: 
            r = deb.SetNamedReg("R0",1) #file length 1 for :tt 
        if r == 5:         
            block = deb.GetNamedReg("R1") 
            buf = memPgm.Read32(block+4) 
            len = memPgm.Read16(block+8) 
            message = bytearray(len) 
            memPgm.Read(buf ,message,0,len) 
            msg.printToTab(message.decode(), "Printf output") 
        r = deb.SetNamedReg("R0",0)  
    Note: autoload.py enables scripting with Jython inside the IDE. It is a powerful way to automate and get control (e.g., for debugging, memory access or advanced breakpoints.)
  4. Reload scripts by right clicking on the project and selecting Add > Reload Scripting Commands.
  5. (Optional) For improved throughput use memory buffer by adding the following before the first printf call:
    // Optional memory buffer for printf for enhanced performance

You have now configured your project to direct printf data to the Output window > Printf output tab. Add printf freely in your application code and #include <stdio.h>.

printf Output to MPLAB X IDE Output Window

#include <stdio.h> 
#include <xc.h> 

extern void initialise_monitor_handles(void); 

void main(void) { 

    char buff[1024]; 

    volatile int i = 0; 
        i= i + 1; 
        printf("Count %i\n", i);     