13.4 Grayed Out or Missing Items and Buttons

There are several reasons why a menu item, toolbar button or status bar item may be grayed out (unavailable) or missing:

  • The item/button is related to a device feature that the selected device does not have; for example, not all devices support external memory.
  • The item/button is related to a tool feature that the selected tool does not have; for example, Step Out is not available on all tools.
  • The item/button is project-related and no project has been selected; for example, project build will not be available if there is no active project.
  • The item/button is not supported for the selected device or tool; for example, hardware trace is only available when using an emulator and device that supports trace.
  • The item/button is performing its function and so cannot be selected again; for example, Debug Project is grayed out when the program is already running code in debug mode.
  • The item/button is mutually exclusive to another item; for example, Pause is available when the program is running while Continue is grayed out and Continue is available when the program is halted while Pause is grayed out.
Figure 13-5. Grayed Out Menu Items