1.2.2 LED Indicators

The CIP Hybrid Power Starter Kit features four LEDs with the following functions. The green LED1 indicates that the board has enough power to provide proper 5V bias to the microcontroller. The red LED2 and blue LED3 are test LEDs that indicate the board is operating properly. The function of the LEDs can be modified and programmed by the user to give other status signals that are relevant to the board. By default, when the CIP Hybrid Power Starter Kit is functional, the blue LED3 flashes with 600 ms period (300 ms on, 300 ms off). The red LED2 is controlled by the push button switch. LED2 lights up when the switch is pressed. The green PD LED shows the status of the board during programming.

Table 1-2. LED Indicators
LED ColorLabelSystem Element Monitored
GreenLED1Board Power-On Indicator
RedLED2Test Status(1)
BlueLED3Test Status(1)
GreenPSOn-board debugger Power/Status
  1. Is enabled by software.