4.4.6 Connecting to a PDI Target

The recommended pinout for the 6-pin PDI connector is shown in Figure 4-11.

Connection to a 6-pin 100-mil PDI Header

Use the 6-pin 100-mil tap on the flat cable (included in some kits) to connect to a standard 100-mil PDI header.

Connection to a 6-pin 50-mil PDI Header

Use the adapter board (included in some kits) to connect to a standard 50-mil PDI header.

Connection to a Custom 100-mil Header

The 10-pin mini-squid cable should be used to connect between the Atmel-ICE AVR connector port and the target board. Four connections are required, as described in the table below.


The pinout required is different from the JTAGICE mkII JTAG probe, where PDI_DATA is connected to pin 9. The Atmel-ICE is compatible with the pinout used by the Atmel-ICE, JTAGICE3, AVR ONE!, and AVR Dragon products.

Table 4-12. Atmel-ICE PDI Pin Mapping
Atmel-ICE AVR PORT PinTarget PinsMini-Squid PinMicrochip STK600 PDI Pinout
Pin 1 (TCK)1
Pin 2 (GND)GND26
Pin 4 (VTG)VTG42
Pin 5 (TMS)5
Pin 6 (nSRST)PDI_CLK65
Pin 7 (not connected)7
Pin 8 (nTRST)8
Pin 9 (TDI)9
Pin 10 (GND)0