46.3 Power Consumption

The values in the Power Consumption table below are measured values of power consumption under the following conditions, except where noted:

  • Operating conditions
    • VDDIN = 3.0 V, 5.0V
  • Oscillators
    • XOSC (crystal oscillator) stopped
    • XOSC32K (32.768 kHz crystal oscillator) running with external 32.768 kHz crystal
    • FDPLL using XOSC32K as reference and running at 48 MHz
  • Clocks
    • FDPLL used as main clock source, except otherwise specified
    • CPU, AHB clocks undivided
    • All peripheral clocks stopped
  • I/Os are inactive with input trigger disable
  • CPU is running on Flash with Wait states specified in NVM Max Speed Characteristics
  • NVMCTRL cache enabled
  • BODVDD disabled
Table 46-2. Current Consumption(1)
Mode Conditions Ta Vcc Typ. Max. Units
ACTIVE CPU running a While 1 algorithm 25°C 5.0V 3.8 4.2 mA
105°C 5.0V 4.0 4.5
CPU running a While 1 algorithm 25°C 3.0V 3.7 4.1 mA
105°C 3.0V 4.0 4.5
CPU running a While 1 algorithm. with GCLKIN as reference 25°C 5.0V 71*Freq+160 78*Freq+162 µA (with freq in MHz)
105°C 5.0V 71*Freq+374 72*Freq+819
CPU running a Fibonacci algorithm 25°C 5.0V 4.7 5.2 mA
105°C 5.0V 5.0 5.5
CPU running a Fibonacci algorithm 25°C 3.0V 4.7 5.1 mA
105°C 3.0V 5.0 5.5
CPU running a Fibonacci algorithm. with GCLKIN as reference 25°C 5.0V 90*Freq+163 99*Freq+168 µA (with freq in MHz)
105°C 5.0V 90*Freq+379 92*Freq+820
CPU running a CoreMark algorithm 25°C 5.0V 5.9 6.4 mA
105°C 5.0V 6.3 6.9
CPU running a CoreMark algorithm 25°C 3.0V 5.2 5.7 mA
105°C 3.0V 5.5 6.1
CPU running a CoreMark algorithm. with GCLKIN as reference 25°C 5.0V 115*Freq+167 126*Freq+167 µA (with freq in MHz)
105°C 5.0V 118*Freq+383 121*Freq+823
IDLE0 25°C 5.0V 1.8 1.9 mA
105°C 5.0V 2.0 2.5
IDLE2 25°C 5.0V 1.2 1.277 mA
105°C 5.0V 1.5 1.956
STANDBY XOSC32K running RTC running at 1.024 kHz 25°C 5.0V 15.9 37.0 µA
105°C 5.0V 187.0 512.0
XOSC32K and RTC stopped 25°C 5.0V 14.6 35.0
105°C 5.0V 185.0 510.0
  1. These are based on characterization.