31.8.3 Control C

Offset: 0x08
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: PAC Write-Protection, Enable-Protected

Bit 3130292827262524 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Bit 15141312111098 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 0000 
Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000 

Bits 11:10 – HDRDLY[1:0] LIN Host Header Delay

These bits define the delay between break and sync transmission in addition to the delay between the sync and identifier (ID) fields when in LIN Host mode (CTRLA.FORM = 0x2).

This field is only valid when using the LIN header command (CTRLB.LINCMD = 0x2).

Note: A correct setting for this bit field must be selected in order to follow the LIN specification.

Delay between break and sync transmission is 1 bit time.

Delay between sync and ID transmission is 1 bit time.


Delay between break and sync transmission is 4 bit time.

Delay between sync and ID transmission is 4 bit time.


Delay between break and sync transmission is 8 bit time.

Delay between sync and ID transmission is 4 bit time.


Delay between break and sync transmission is 14 bit time.

Delay between sync and ID transmission is 4 bit time.

Bits 9:8 – BRKLEN[1:0] LIN Host Break Length

These bits define the length of the break field transmitted when in LIN Host mode (CTRLA.FORM = 0x2).
Note: A correct setting for this bit field must be selected in order to follow the LIN specification.
0x0 Break field transmission is 13 bit times
0x1 Break field transmission is 17 bit times
0x2 Break field transmission is 21 bit times
0x3 Break field transmission is 26 bit times

Bits 2:0 – GTIME[2:0] Guard Time

These bits define the guard time when using RS485 mode (CTRLA.FORM = 0x0 or CTRLA.FORM = 0x1, and CTRLA.TXPO = 0x3).

For RS485 mode, the guard time is programmable from 0-7 bit times and defines the time that the transmit enable pin (TE) remains high after the last stop bit is transmitted and there is no remaining data to be transmitted.