The ATMEGA256RFR2 Xplained Pro headers EXT1, EXT2, EXT3, EXT4, and
EXT5 offers access to the I/O of the microcontroller in order to expand the board e.g. by
connecting extension modules to the board. These headers all comply with the standard
extension header specified in Table 3-4. All headers have a pitch of 2.54mm.
Table 4-1. Extension Header
EXT1Pin on EXT1 | ATmega256RFR2 pin | Function | Shared functionality |
1 | | Communication line to ID chip on extension
board | |
2 | | GND | |
3 | PF0 | ADC0 | |
4 | PF1 | ADC1 | |
5 | PE2 | GPIO | |
6 | PE3 | GPIO | |
7 | PB5 | OC1A | EXT4 header |
8 | PB6 | OC1B | |
9 | PE5 | GPIO / INT5 | EXT4 header |
10 | PD5 | GPIO / SPI chip select B | EXT4 header |
11 | PD1 | TWI SDA | All EXT headers |
12 | PD0 | TWI SCL | All EXT headers |
13 | PE0 | UART0 RXD | All EXT headers. EXT2, EXT3 and EXT5 connected through cut-strap. |
14 | PE1 | UART0 TXD | All EXT headers. EXT2, EXT3 and EXT5 connected through cut-strap. |
15 | PG0 | GPIO / SPI chip select A | EXT4 header |
16 | PB2 | SPI MOSI | All EXT headers |
17 | PB3 | SPI MISO | All EXT headers |
18 | PB1 | SPI SCK | All EXT headers |
19 | | GND | |
20 | | VCC | |
Table 4-2. Extension Header
EXT2Pin on EXT2 | ATmega256RFR2 pin | Function | Shared functionality |
1 | | Communication line to ID chip on extension
board | |
2 | | GND | |
3 | | | |
4 | | | |
5 | | | |
6 | | | |
7 | | | |
8 | | | |
9 | PE6 | GPIO / INT6 | EXT5 header |
10 | PD6 | GPIO / SPI chip select B | EXT5 header |
11 | PD1 | TWI SDA | All other EXT headers |
12 | PD0 | TWI SCL | All other EXT headers |
13 | PE0(1) | UART0 RXD | All other EXT headers. EXT2, EXT3 and EXT5 connected through cut-strap. |
14 | PE1(1) | UART0 TXD | All other EXT headers. EXT2, EXT3 and EXT5 connected through cut-strap. |
15 | PD4 | GPIO / SPI chip select A | EXT5 header |
16 | PB2 | SPI MOSI | All other EXT headers |
17 | PB3 | SPI MISO | All other EXT headers |
18 | PB1 | SPI SCK | All other EXT headers |
19 | | GND | |
20 | | VCC | |
- Connected through cut-strap.
Table 4-3. Extension Header
EXT3Pin on EXT3 | ATmega256RFR2 pin | Function | Shared functionality |
1 | | Communication line to ID chip on extension
board | |
2 | | GND | |
3 | PF3 | GPIO | |
4 | PG5 | GPIO | |
5 | PB7 | GPIO | |
6 | | | |
7 | | | |
8 | | | |
9 | PE7 | GPIO / INT7 | |
10 | PD7 | GPIO / SPI chip select B | |
11 | PD1 | TWI SDA | All other EXT headers |
12 | PD0 | TWI SCL | All other EXT headers |
13 | PE0(1) | UART0 RXD | All other EXT headers. EXT2, EXT3 and EXT5 connected through cut-strap. |
14 | PE1(1) | UART0 TXD | All other EXT headers. EXT2, EXT3 and EXT5 connected through cut-strap. |
15 | PG2 | GPIO / SPI chip select A | |
16 | PB2 | SPI MOSI | All other EXT headers |
17 | PB3 | SPI MISO | All other EXT headers |
18 | PB1 | SPI SCK | All other EXT headers |
19 | | GND | |
20 | | VCC | |
- Connected through cut-strap.
Table 4-4. Extension Header
EXT4Pin on EXT4 | ATmega256RFR2 pin | Function | Shared functionality |
1 | | Communication line to ID chip on extension
board | |
2 | | GND | |
3 | | | |
4 | | | |
5 | | | |
6 | | | |
7 | PB5 | OC1A | EXT1 header |
8 | | | |
9 | PE5 | GPIO / INT5 | EXT1 header |
10 | PG0 | GPIO / SPI chip select B | EXT1 header |
11 | PD1 | TWI SDA | All other EXT headers |
12 | PD0 | TWI SCL | All other EXT headers |
13 | PE0 | UART0 RXD | All other EXT headers. EXT2, EXT3 and EXT5 connected through cut-strap. |
14 | PE1 | UART0 TXD | All other EXT headers. EXT2, EXT3 and EXT5 connected through cut-strap. |
15 | PD5 | GPIO / SPI chip select A | EXT1 header |
16 | PB2 | SPI MOSI | All other EXT headers |
17 | PB3 | SPI MISO | All other EXT headers |
18 | PB1 | SPI SCK | All other EXT headers |
19 | | GND | |
20 | | VCC | |
Table 4-5. Extension Header EXT5Pin on EXT5 | ATmega256RFR2 pin | Function | Shared functionality |
1 | | Communication line to ID chip on extension
board | |
2 | | GND | |
3 | | | |
4 | | | |
5 | | | |
6 | | | |
7 | | | |
8 | | | |
9 | PE6 | GPIO / INT6 | EXT2 header |
10 | PD4 | GPIO / SPI chip select B | EXT2 header |
11 | PD1 | TWI SDA | All other EXT headers |
12 | PD0 | TWI SCL | All other EXT headers |
13 | PE0(1)
| UART0 RXD | All other EXT headers. EXT2, EXT3 and EXT5 connected through cut-strap. |
14 | PE1(1) | UART0 TXD | All other EXT headers. EXT2, EXT3 and EXT5 connected through cut-strap. |
15 | PD6 | GPIO / SPI chip select A | EXT2 header |
16 | PB2 | SPI MOSI | All other EXT headers |
17 | PB3 | SPI MISO | All other EXT headers |
18 | PB1 | SPI SCK | All other EXT headers |
19 | | GND | |
20 | | VCC | |
- Connected through cut-strap.