4.1.2 Other Headers

In addition to the Xplained Pro Standard Extension Headers, ATmega256RFR2 Xplained Pro has additionally two headers with spare signals which offers access to the I/O of the microcontroller which are otherwise not easily available elsewhere or might be favorable to have collected together. All headers have a pitch of 2.54mm.

Table 4-6. SPARE ADC Signals Header
Pin on headerATmega256RFR2 pinFunctionShared functionality
1-VCC (3.3V)
2PF4ADC4(1)JTAG Interface, TCK
3PF5ADC5(1)JTAG Interface, TMS
4PF6ADC6(1)JTAG Interface, TDO
5PF7ADC7(1)JTAG Interface, TDI
  1. These lines are connected to the JTAG interface, and ADC will not work properly while debugging or programming the kit.
Table 4-7. SPARE Signals Header 2
Pin on headerATmega256RFR2 pinFunctionShared functionality
1AREFAnalog reference
2TSTTest pin for RF test mode
3RSTNResetEDBG and RESET button
4RSTONReset status
5CLKIAlternative main clock input