5.1.3 Multiplicative Inverses
To be able to compute finite field multiplicative inverses, that is, 1/x, a trick has been used in this implementation. Using exponentiation and logarithms with a common base, the following identity can be utilized:
In this case, the base number 3 has been chosen, as it is the simplest primitive root. By using finite field multiplication when computing the exponents and logarithms, the multiplicative inverse is easy to implement. Instead of computing exponents and logarithms every time, two lookup tables are used. Since the multiplicative inverse is only used when preparing the S-box described in S-Boxes, the memory used for the two lookup tables can be used for other purposes when the S-box has been prepared.
tempexp = 0
tempnum = 1
exponentiation_table[ tempexp ] = tempnum
logarithm_table[ tempnum ] = tempexp
increase tempexp
multiply tempnum by 3 modulo 0x11B
loop while tempexp < 256