44.6.6 OPAxHWC

Operational Amplifier Hardware Control Options Register
Address: 0x124,0x12C

Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bit 7 – OREN Override Enable

1 Hardware Override Control is enabled. OPA mode of operation is configured using the HWCH / HWCL bits.
0 Hardware Override Control is disabled. OPA mode of operation must be configured by use in firmware.

Bits 6:4 – HWCH[2:0] Hardware Control Configuration High

Value Description
111 Rail Drive to VDD
110 Trough detect configuration with unity-gain feedback
101 Peak detect configuration with unity-gain feedback
100 Basic OPA configuration with unity-gain feedback
011 OPAxOUT is tri-stated
010 Trough detect configuration with user-defined feedback
001 Peak detect configuration with user-defined feedback
000 Basic OPA configuration with user-defined feedback

Bit 3 – ORPOL Override Source Polarity

1 Hardware Control Input is Inverted (Active-Low)
0 Hardware Control Input is not Inverted (Active-High)

Bits 2:0 – HWCL[2:0] Hardware Control Configuration Low

Value Description
111 Rail Drive to VSS
110 Trough detect configuration with unity-gain feedback
101 Peak detect configuration with unity-gain feedback
100 Basic OPA configuration with unity-gain feedback
011 OPAxOUT is tri-stated
010 Trough detect configuration with user-defined feedback
001 Peak detect configuration with user-defined feedback
000 Basic OPA configuration with user-defined feedback