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ATSAMR21G18 System in Package
Single-chip ARM®
Cortex® -M0+ based 32-bit Microcontroller
Low power 2.4 GHz transceiver
for IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee applications
256 KB Flash
Maximum Operating Frequency:
48 MHz
128-bit AES crypto
32-bit MAC symbol
Temperature sensor
Automatic transmission
AT45DB041E 4-Mbit DataFlash
ATECC508A CryptoAuthentication Device
Secure hardware-based key
Performs high-speed public
key algorithms
NIST standard P256 elliptic
curve support
SHA-256 Hash algorithm with
HMAC option
Guaranteed unique 72-bit
serial number
High-quality FIPS Random Number Generator (RNG)
Intrusion latch for external
tamper switch
Single 1.8V – 3.6V supply
Radio Module with a Link Budget of
103 dBm
FCC / ETSI Compliant RF Front End
with Harmonic Filter
Three SERCOM Units Left for External
32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator
High Precision 16 MHz Crystal
12-bit, 350 ksps Analog-to-Digital
Converter (ADC)
I2 C up to 3.4 MHz
Full-speed (12 Mbps) Universal Serial
Bus (USB) 2.0 Interface
17 External GPIO Lines
One GPIO for ATECC508A Intrusion
The online versions of the documents are provided as a courtesy. Verify all content and data in the device’s PDF documentation found on the device product page.