10.1 Customizing Existing Menus and Toolbars

You can add or remove commands on any menu or toolbar or change the order and grouping of those commands. You can also add toolbars and change the layout, position, and content of existing toolbars in the integrated development environment (IDE).

To Add a Command to a Menu or Toolbar

  1. On the Tools menu, click Customize.
  2. In the Customize dialog box on the Commands tab, under Choose a menu or toolbar to rearrange, select the menu or toolbar you want to change, and click Add command.
  3. In the Add Command dialog box, select a category name on the Categories list and then, on the Commands list, select the command you want to add.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click Close.

To Remove a Command From a Menu or Toolbar

  1. On the Tools menu, click Customize.
  2. In the Customize dialog box, on the Commands tab, under Choose a menu or toolbar to rearrange, select the menu or toolbar you want to change.
  3. Select the command you want to remove, and then click Delete.
  4. Click Close.

To Separate Commands on a Menu or Toolbar

  1. On the Tools menu, click Customize.
  2. In the Customize dialog box, on the Commands tab, under Choose a menu or toolbar to rearrange, select the menu or toolbar you want to change.
  3. Select the command you want to separate from the commands above.
  4. In the Modify Selection list, select Begin a Group.
  5. A separator bar appears on the list of commands above the selected command.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click Close.

The command appears on the menu or toolbar with a separator before it.

To Add a New Menu

  1. On the Tools menu, click Customize.
  2. In the Customize dialog box, on the Commands tab, click Add New Menu. The menu appears, named New Menu.
  3. In the Modify Selection list, enter the name for the new menu.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click Close.

The command appears on the menu or toolbar before it.

To Change the Order of Menus

  1. On the Tools menu, click Customize.
  2. In the Customize dialog box, on the Commands tab, under Choose a menu or toolbar to rearrange, select the menu or toolbar you want to move.
  3. Select Move Up or Move Down to move the command.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click Close.

The command appears on the menu or toolbar with a separator before it.

To Create a Toolbar

  1. On the Tools menu, click Customize.
  2. In the Customize dialog box, on the Toolbars tab, click New.
  3. In the New Toolbar dialog box, type a name for the toolbar.
  4. Use the steps described earlier in this topic to add commands to the toolbar.

Changing Toolbar Layout

You can arrange toolbars by dragging them in the main docking area or by using the Customize dialog box to move them to other docking areas.

To Arrange Toolbars in the Main Docking Area

  1. Drag a toolbar by its left edge to move it where you want it.
  2. Surrounding toolbars will be automatically rearranged.
  3. To change the docking location of a toolbar.
  4. On the Tools menu, click Customize.
  5. In the Customize dialog box, on the Toolbars tab, on the Modify Selection list, select a dock location.
  6. Click Close.

Resetting the Main Menu and Shortcut Menus

If you change the locations of commands or change command icons, you can reset them to their original configurations.

To Reset a Menu or Toolbar

  1. On the Tools menu, click Customize.
  2. In the Customize dialog box, on the Commands tab, under Choose a menu or toolbar to rearrange, select the menu or toolbar you want to reset.
  3. Click Reset all.

The selected menu bar, toolbar, or context menu returns to its original configuration.