9.1 Extension Manager UI

The Extension Manager window is divided into three panes. The left pane lets you select by group: Installed extensions and new extensions from the online gallery.

Figure 9-1. Extension Manager

The extensions are displayed in the middle pane. You can sort the list by name or author from the combo box above the list.

When selecting an extension in the middle pane, information appears in the right pane. Extension installed by the current user can be uninstalled or disabled. Extensions distributed with Microchip Studio cannot be changed.

The Extension Manager window also includes a search box. Depending on the selection in the left pane, you can search installed extensions, the online gallery, or available updates.

Online Gallery Extension Manager can install extensions from the Microchip Studio Gallery. These extensions may be packages, templates, or other components that add functionality to Microchip Studio.

To get started with the extension manager, check section Installing New Extensions in Microchip Studio.

Extension Types

Extension Manager supports extensions in the VSIX package format, which may include project templates, item templates, toolbox items, Managed Extension Framework (MEF) components, and VSPackages. Extension Manager can also download and install MSI-based extensions, but it cannot enable or disable them. Microchip Studio Gallery contains both VSIX and MSI extensions.

Dependency Handling

If a user tries to install an extension having dependencies, the installer verifies the already installed dependencies. Extension Manager shows the user a list of dependencies that must be installed before installing the extension, if not already installed.

Installing Without Using Extension Manager

Extensions packed in .vsix files may be available in locations other than the Microchip Studio Gallery. The Extension Manager cannot detect these files. However, you can install a .vsix file by double clicking it and following the setup instructions. After installing the extension, you can use Extension Manager to enable it, disable it, or remove it.