5 Testing the Examples

UART examples based on ATmega8515 can be tested on STK600. Use the appropriate socket card and routing card to place the device on the STK600. The UART pins of this device are as follows:

Table 5-1. UART Pins Used in the Example
SignalPin Name on ATmega8515
  1. Open the Atmel Studio project in Atmel Studio 7.
  2. Rebuild the project and load the hex file into the device using an ISP programmer.
  3. Use wired jumpers to connect PD0 to RXD pin of the RS232 SPARE connector on the STK600 and PD1 to TXD pin of the connector.
  4. Connect an RS232 cable from STK600 to the PC and open a terminal application (9600 Baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit) to transfer characters.
  5. Type characters on the terminal window. These will be echoed by the application running on the ATmega8515 device.

USART examples based on ATmega324PB can be tested on the ATmega324PB Xplained Pro. This board has an embedded debugger (EDBG) which provides a virtual COM port. Pins of USART1 are connected to this virtual COM port. To test the code,

  1. Connect the ATmega324PB Xplained Pro to the PC.
  2. Build the project and load the hex file into the device using EDBG as programmer.
  3. Open a terminal application for the EDBG Virtual COM port (9600 Baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit).
  4. Type characters on the terminal window. These will be echoed by the application running on the ATmega324PB device.
USART examples based on ATtiny104 can be tested on the ATTiny104 Xplained NANO. This board has an embedded debugger (mEDBG) which provides a virtual COM port. Pins of USART are connected to this virtual COM port. To test the code,
  1. Connect the ATTiny104 Xplained NANO to the PC.
  2. Build the project and load the hex file into the device using mEDBG as programmer.
  3. Open a terminal application for the mEDBG Virtual COM port(2400 Baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit).
  4. Type characters on the terminal window. These will be echoed by the application running on the ATtiny104 device.
  1. Link which shows details on programming an Atmel microcontroller can be found in References.
  2. Turn OFF local echo in the terminal application while testing these examples, the application will echo the received character.