1 MTCH2120 Key Features
The Microchip MTCH2120, Capacitive Touch turnkey controller, equipped with an I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) interface, enables the application to integrate robust, water-resistant touch detection and proximity sensing. This device includes up to 12 capacitive touch channels with configurable Driven Shield(+) functionality.
- Capacitive Touch Sensing
- High Signal Noise Ratio (SNR)
- Configurable Through I2C Bus
- Adjustable Sensitivity
- Device Configuration Support through MPLAB Data Visualizer Plugin
- Ability to Store Complete Configuration in Non-volatile Memory
- Host Controlled Device Configuration Check
- MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) plugin to configure Microchip MCUs/MPUs as hosts
- Multi-Stage Active Noise Suppression Filters
- Automatic Environmental Compensation
- Water Tolerant Touch
- Easy tune (the ability to use touch buttons w/o tuning)
- Low Power with Flexible Configuration
- Lump Option with Smart Drift
- Configurable GPIO
- Support a Wide Range of Sensor Shapes and Sizes
- Interrupt pin for Touch Status change
- Option to Disable or Suspend Sensor
- Enable or Disable Single-Button Mode
- Option to Save Configuration
- Brown-Out Protection
- Operating Voltage Range: 3-5V
- Operating Temperature: -40°C to +105°C
- Configurable I/O Expander via I2C