The MTCH2120 Evaluation Kit (EV64Z42A) is a self-contained hardware platform designed to assess the capabilities of the MTCH2120 I2C-based touch turnkey microcontroller. The MTCH2120 evaluation board incorporates 12 touch sensors of different shapes and sizes, a shield area, and a Driven shield + to evaluate the robust noise performance and moisture tolerance. The board also features an on-board host microcontroller, as well as the ability to connect to an external host. The MTCH2120 device on the board can be fully configured using the MPLAB® Data Visualizer touch plugin. Via the I2C interface, the MTCH2120 is very flexible and configurable to meet the application requirements..
- MTCH2120 Evaluation Kit website – Kit information, latest user guide, and design documentation
- MTCH2120 website – Find documentation, data sheets, sample, and purchase microcontrollers
- MTCH2120 Evaluation Kit on Microchip Direct – Purchase this kit on Microchip Direct
- MTCH2120 Evaluation Kit Schematics – Board schematics and history
- MTCH2120 Evaluation Kit PCB CAD Files (Altium) – Latest project revision
- MTCH2120 Evaluation Kit Design Documentation – Production files for every revision