17.5.1 Control A

Offset: 0x00
Reset: Loaded from fuse
Property: Configuration Change Protection

Bit 76543210 
Access RRRR/WR/W 
Reset xxxxx 

Bit 4 – SAMPFREQ Sample Frequency

This bit controls the BOD sample frequency.

The Reset value is loaded from the SAMPFREQ bit in FUSE.BODCFG.

This bit is not under Configuration Change Protection (CCP).

0x0 Sample frequency is 1 kHz
0x1 Sample frequency is 125 Hz

Bits 3:2 – ACTIVE[1:0] Active

These bits select the BOD operation mode when the device is in Active or Idle mode.

The Reset value is loaded from the ACTIVE bit field in FUSE.BODCFG.

This bit field is not under Configuration Change Protection (CCP).
0x0 DIS Disabled
0x1 ENABLED Enabled in continuous mode
0x2 SAMPLED Enabled in sampled mode
0x3 ENWAKE Enabled in continuous mode. Execution is halted at wake-up until BOD is running

Bits 1:0 – SLEEP[1:0] Sleep

These bits select the BOD operation mode when the device is in Standby or Power-Down sleep mode. The Reset value is loaded from the SLEEP bit field in FUSE.BODCFG.
0x0 DIS Disabled
0x1 ENABLED Enabled in continuous mode
0x2 SAMPLED Enabled in sampled mode
0x3 - Reserved