2.2 Xplained Pro Connections

Some Microchip development boards support only the Xplained Pro extension headers. Through use of an adapter board, the ATECC608 Trust Development Board can still be used. Figure 2-2 shows the full assembly of the ATECC608 Trust Development Board, the ATMBUSADAPTER-XPRO and an ATSAMD21-XPRO Development Board.

Figure 2-2. Connections to an Xplained Pro Development Platform
  1. ATECC608 Trust Development Board
  3. ATSAMD21-XPRO Development Board
  4. TARGET USB Port
  5. DEBUG USB Port

How to Connect the ATECC608 Trust Development Board to an Xplained Pro Host Board

  1. Connect the ATMBUSADAPTER to the ATECC608 Trust Development Board as shown in Figure 2-2.
  2. Connect the combined ATMBUSADAPTER and ATECC608 Trust Development Board to one of the XPRO extension connectors on the host board. Figure 2-2 uses EXT1.
  3. Set the switch or switches on the ATECC608 Trust Development Board to enable the device(s) you want to connect to.
    Tip: Multiple devices can be enabled provided the I2C address of each device is unique. In general, only one device will be selected.
  4. Connect the USB cables to the TARGET USB Port, the DEBUG USB Port (optional) and the host system.
  5. Invoke the appropriate software development tools for the application.