2.2 Xplained Pro Connections
Some Microchip development boards support only the Xplained Pro extension headers. Through use of an adapter board, the ATECC608 Trust Development Board can still be used. Figure 2-2 shows the full assembly of the ATECC608 Trust Development Board, the ATMBUSADAPTER-XPRO and an ATSAMD21-XPRO Development Board.
How to Connect the ATECC608 Trust Development Board to an Xplained Pro Host Board
- Connect the ATMBUSADAPTER to the ATECC608 Trust Development Board as shown in Figure 2-2.
- Connect the combined ATMBUSADAPTER and ATECC608 Trust Development Board to one of the XPRO extension connectors on the host board. Figure 2-2 uses EXT1.
- Set the switch or switches on the
ATECC608 Trust Development Board to enable the
device(s) you want to connect to.Tip: Multiple devices can be enabled provided the I2C address of each device is unique. In general, only one device will be selected.
- Connect the USB cables to the TARGET USB Port, the DEBUG USB Port (optional) and the host system.
- Invoke the appropriate software development tools for the application.