2.1 General Instructions to Test the Code on STK600

  • Place the ATmega88 device on the STK600 using the specific routing card and socket card (STK600-RC032M-29 and STK600-TQFP32 )
  • Try accessing the device from the menu Tools → Device Programming in Atmel Studio
  • The voltage from AREF1 can be used as input to the ADC. Adjust the AREF1 voltage via the menu Tools → Device Programming → Board settings in Atmel Studio.
  • Connect AREF1 on the STK600 to the ADC input channel ADC0 (PC0) used in the examples
  • On the STK600, connect PB0 to LED0, and PB1 to LED1. These pins are used in the following examples to give a visual indication.