6.1.1 Application Interaction using Dashboard Controls

Now see how components placed on a dashboard in Data Visualizer can be hooked up to variables in the application, and how the dashboard can thus interact with the application at run-time.

Instead of a predefined interval of 1000 USB sync pulses (1 second), add a variable compare reference to the original code.
Todo: Modify ui.c to include a LED blinker in the ui_process() handler as shown here.
volatile uint32_t frame_comparator = 100;
volatile uint32_t frames_received = 0;
void ui_process(uint16_t framenumber)
	if (frames_received >= frame_comparator) {
		frames_received = 0;
  • Build the project/solution (F7)
  • Launch a debug session using Start Debugging and Break (Alt + F5)
  • Find the location of the variable uint32_t frame_comparator