SAM C21 Xplained
Pro implements Arduino shield connectors based on
the Arduino Uno. All references to Arduino pin
names are taken from the official Arduino schematics of the Arduino Uno.
CAUTION: The target
section of SAM C21 Xplained
Pro can be powered by 3.3V or 5.0V. The
maximum voltage the I/O pins can tolerate depends on the supply voltage. Providing
higher voltages like 5V to an I/O pin when the ATSAMC21J18A is powered by 3.3V could damage the board.
Info: Note that
all pins do not have the exact same functionality as on the Arduino Uno on the shield
connectors. Each shield should be checked for compatibility before it is
Table 4-4. J802 - PowerPin on J802 | SAM
pin | Arduino pin name | Function | Shared functionality |
1 | - | RFU | - | - |
2 | - | IOREF | VCC_TARGET_P3V3_P5V0 | - |
4 | - | 3.3V | VCC_P3V3 | - |
5 | - | 5V | VCC_P5V0 | - |
6 | - | GND | GND | - |
7 | - | GND | GND | - |
8 | - | VIN | VCC_EXT_P5V0 | - |
Table 4-5. J803 - AnalogPin on J803 | SAM
pin | Arduino pin name | Function | Shared functionality |
1 | PB09 | ADC0 | INP1 | EXT1 |
2 | PB08 | ADC1 | INN1 | EXT1 |
3 | PA08 | ADC2 | AIN10 | EXT2 |
4 | PA09 | ADC3 | AIN11 | EXT2 |
5 | PB07 | ADC4 | AIN9 / INP2 | EXT3 |
6 | PB06 | ADC5 | AIN8 / INN2 | EXT3 |
Table 4-6. J804 - Digital LowPin on J804 | SAM
pin | Arduino pin name | Function | Shared functionality |
1 | PA23 | D0 / RX0 | SERCOM3 PAD1 UART RX | EXT1, EXT2, and EXT3
2 | PA22 | D1 / TX0 | SERCOM3 PAD0 UART TX | EXT1, EXT2, and EXT3
3 | PA20 | D2 | GPIO | EXT1 |
4 | PB12 | D3 | TC0_W0 | EXT1 and EDBG GPIO |
5 | PA21 | D4 | GPIO | EXT1 |
6 | PB13 | D5 | TC0_W1 | EXT1 |
7 | PB30 | D6 | TCC0_W0 | EXT2 |
8 | PB04 | D7 | GPIO | EXT3 |
Table 4-7. J801 - Digital HighPin on J801 | SAM
pin | Arduino pin name | Function | Shared functionality |
1 | PB05 | D8 | GPIO | EXT3 |
2 | PB31 | D9 | TCC0_W1 | EXT2 |
3 | PA27 | D10 / SPI-SS | GPIO | EXT3 |
4 | PB00 | D11 / SPI-MOSI | SERCOM5 PAD2 | EXT2, EXT3, EDBG SPI, and Shield |
5 | PB02 | D12 / SPI-MISO | SERCOM5 PAD0 | EXT2, EXT3, EDBG SPI, and Shield |
6 | PB01 | D13 / SPI-SCK | SERCOM5 PAD3 | EXT2, EXT3, EDBG SPI, and Shield |
7 | - | GND | - | - |
8 | PA03 | AREF | ADC / DAC VREFA | |
9 | PA12 | SDA | SERCOM2 PAD0 | EXT1, EXT2, EXT3, Crypto, and EDBG I2C |
10 | PA13 | SCL | SERCOM2 PAD1 | EXT1, EXT2, EXT3, Crypto, and EDBG I2C |