1.6.2 SAMD11 Xplained Mini Onboard Sensor Example

Path of the application within the repository is apps/onboard_sensor/firmware/sam_d11_xmini/

To build the application, refer to the following table and open the project using its IDE.

Hardware Setup

  1. Project uses SAM D11 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit
  2. Connect the Debug USB port on the board to the computer using a micro USB cable

Running The Application

  1. Open the application project sam_d11_xmini.X in the IDE
  2. Build the project and program the target board
  3. Open Data Visualizer and configure the serial port control settings as follows:
    • Baud : 38400
    • Data : 8 Bits
    • Parity : None
    • Stop : 1 Bit
    • Flow Control : None
    • Config Path :
  4. Select the Port from the dropdown menu and click "Connect"
  5. Configuration files are stored as part of the project source files. Browse the ../touch/datastreamer/ project folder and click on Select Folder.