6.2 System Timings

All parameters refer to GND (backplane) and are valid for Tamb = -40°C to +85°C, VVS = 1.9-3.6V (3V application) and 2.4-5.5V (5V application) across all process tolerances unless otherwise specified. Standard EEPROM settings are used unless marked with *. Minimum timing values refer to maximum values of fFRC; maximum timing values refer to minimum values of fFRC. For more details on electrical characteristics, refer to the ATA8210/ATA8215 UHF ASK/FSK Receiver Data Sheet (9344E), section 4.6, parameter number 14.30.

Crystal Oscillator frequency fXTO is set to 24.305 MHz for all timing values. Timing values for OFFMode to RXMode/PollingMode can be calculated as the sum of OFFMode to IDLEMode to RXMode/PollingMode.