9 Interconnect

The system architecture is based on the ARM Cortex-M7 processor connected to the main AHB Bus Matrix, the embedded Flash, the multi-port SRAM and the ROM.

The 32-bit AHBP interface is a single 32-bit wide interface that accesses the peripherals connected on the main Bus Matrix. It is used only for data access. Instruction fetches are never performed on the AHBP interface. The bus, AHBP or AXIM, accessing the peripheral memory area [0x40000000 to 0x60000000] is selected in the AHBP control register.

The 32-bit AHBS interface provides system access to the ITCM, D1TCM, and D0TCM. It is connected on the main Bus Matrix and allows the XDMA to transfer from memory or peripherals to the instruction or data TCMs.

The 64-bit AXIM interface is a single 64-bit wide interface connected through two ports of the AXI Bridge to the main AHB Bus Matrix and to two ports of the multi-port SRAM. The AXIM interface allows:

  • Instruction fetches
  • Data cache linefills and evictions
  • Non-cacheable normal-type memory data accesses
  • Device and strongly-ordered type data accesses, generally to peripherals

The interleaved multi-port SRAM optimizes the Cortex-M7 accesses to the internal SRAM.

The interconnect of the other Hosts and Clients is described in Bus Matrix (MATRIX).

The figure below shows the connections of the different Cortex-M7 ports.

Figure 9-1. Interconnect Block Diagram