4 Signal Description

The following table provides details on signal names classified by peripherals.

Table 4-1. Signal Description List
Signal NameFunctionTypeActive LevelVoltage ReferenceComments
Power Supplies
VDDIOPeripherals I/O Lines Power SupplyPower
VDDINVoltage Regulator Input, AFE, DAC, and Analog Comparator Power Supply(1)Power
VDDOUTVoltage Regulator OutputPower
VDDPLLPLLA Power SupplyPower
VDDPLLUSBUSB PLL and Oscillator Power SupplyPower
VDDCOREPowers the core, the embedded memories and the peripheralsPower
VDDUTMIIUSB Transceiver Power SupplyPower
VDDUTMICUSB Core Power SupplyPower
Clocks, Oscillators, and PLLs
XINMain Oscillator InputInputVDDIOIf any signal is not used, its PIO pin should be setup as an output, driven low, and attached to a dedicated trace on the board in order to reduce current consumption.
XOUTMain Oscillator OutputOutput
XIN32Slow Clock Oscillator InputInput
XOUT32Slow Clock Oscillator OutputOutput
PCK0–PCK2Programmable Clock OutputOutput
Real Time Clock
RTCOUT0Programmable RTC Waveform OutputOutputVDDIO
RTCOUT1Programmable RTC Waveform OutputOutput
Serial Wire Debug/JTAG Boundary Scan
SWCLK/TCKSerial Wire Clock/Test Clock (Boundary scan mode only)InputVDDIO
TDITest Data In (Boundary scan mode only)Input
TDO/TRACESWOTest Data Out (Boundary scan mode only)Output
SWDIO/TMSSerial Wire Input/Output /Test Mode Select (Boundary scan mode only)I/O / Input
JTAGSELJTAG SelectionInputHigh
Trace Debug Port
TRACECLKTrace ClockOutputVDDIOPCK3 is used for ETM
TRACED0–TRACED3Trace DataOutput
Flash Memory
ERASEFlash and NVM Configuration Bits Erase CommandInputHighVDDIO
NRSTSynchronous Microcontroller ResetI/OLowVDDIO
TSTTest SelectInput
Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transceiver - UART(x=[0:4])
URXDxUART Receive DataInputPCK4 can be used to generate the baud rate
UTXDxUART Transmit DataOutput
PIO Controller - PIOA - PIOB - PIOC - PIOD - PIOE
PA0–PA31Parallel I/O Controller AI/OVDDIO
PB0–PB9, PB12–PB13Parallel I/O Controller BI/O
PC0– PC31Parallel I/O Controller CI/O
PD0–PD31Parallel I/O Controller DI/O
PE0–PE5Parallel I/O Controller EI/O
PIO Controller - Parallel Capture Mode
PIODC0–PIODC7Parallel Capture Mode DataInputVDDIO
PIODCCLKParallel Capture Mode ClockInput
PIODCEN1–PIODCEN2Parallel Capture Mode EnableInput
External Bus Interface
D[15:0]Data BusI/O
A[23:0]Address BusOutput
NWAITExternal Wait SignalInputLow
Static Memory Controller (SMC)
NCS0–NCS3Chip Select LinesOutputLow
NRDRead SignalOutputLow
NWEWrite EnableOutputLow
NWR0–NWR1Write SignalOutputLow
NBS0–NBS1Byte Mask SignalOutputLow
NAND Flash Logic
NANDOENAND Flash Output EnableOutputLow
NANDWENAND Flash Write EnableOutputLow
High-Speed Multimedia Card Interface (HSMCI)
MCCKMultimedia Card ClockO
MCCDAMultimedia Card Slot A CommandI/O
MCDA0–MCDA3Multimedia Card Slot A DataI/O
Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART(x=[0:2]))
SCKxUSARTx Serial ClockI/OPCK4 can be used to generate the baud rate
TXDxUSARTx Transmit DataI/O
RXDxUSARTx Receive DataInput
RTSxUSARTx Request To SendOutput
CTSxUSARTx Clear To SendInput
DTRxUSARTx Data Terminal ReadyOutput
DSRxUSARTx Data Set ReadyInput
DCDxUSARTx Data Carrier DetectInput
RIxUSARTx Ring IndicatorInput
LONCOL1LON Collision DetectionInput
Synchronous Serial Controller (SSC)
TDSSC Transmit DataOutput
RDSSC Receive DataInput
TKSSC Transmit ClockI/O
RKSSC Receive ClockI/O
TFSSC Transmit Frame SyncI/O
RFSSC Receive Frame SyncI/O
Inter-IC Sound Controller (I2SC[1..0])
I2SCx_MCKHost ClockOutputVDDIOGCLK[PID] can be used to generate the baud rate
I2SCx_CKSerial ClockI/OVDDIO
I2SCx_DISerial Data InputInputVDDIO
I2SCx_DOSerial Data OutputOutputVDDIO
Image Sensor Interface (ISI)
ISI_D0–ISI_D11 Image Sensor DataInput
ISI_MCKImage sensor Reference clock.

No dedicated signal, PCK1 can be used.

ISI_HSYNCImage Sensor Horizontal SynchroInput
ISI_VSYNCImage Sensor Vertical SynchroInput
ISI_PCKImage Sensor Data clockInput
Timer Counter (TC(x=[0:11]))
TCLKxTC Channel x External Clock InputInputPCK6 can be used as an input clock

PCK7 can be used as an input clock for TC0.Ch0 only

TIOAxTC Channel x I/O Line AI/O
TIOBxTC Channel x I/O Line BI/O
Pulse-Width Modulation Controller (PWMC(x=[0..1]))


Waveform Output High for Channel 0–3Output


Waveform Output Low for Channel 0–3OutputOnly output in complementary mode when dead time insertion is enabled.
PWMCx_PWMFI0–PWMCx_PWMFI2 Fault InputInput
PWMCx_PWMEXTRG0–PWMCx_PWMEXTRG1 External Trigger InputInput
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI(x=[0..1]))
SPIx_MISOHost In Client OutI/O
SPIx_MOSIHost Out Client InI/O
SPIx_SPCKSPI Serial ClockI/O
SPIx_NPCS0SPI Peripheral Chip Select 0I/OLow
SPIx_NPCS1–SPIx_NPCS3SPI Peripheral Chip SelectOutputLow
QSCKQSPI Serial ClockOutput
QCSQSPI Chip SelectOutput

QIO0 is QMOSI Host Out Client In

QIO1 is QMISO Host In Client Out

Two-Wire Interface (TWIHS (x=0..2))
TWDxTWIx Two-wire Serial DataI/O
TWCKxTWIx Two-wire Serial ClockI/O
VREFPADC, DAC and Analog Comparator Positive ReferenceAnalog
VREFNADC, DAC and Analog Comparator Negative Reference Must be connected to GND or GNDANA.Analog
12-bit Analog Front End - (x=[0..1])
AFEx_AD0–AFEx_AD11 (2)Analog InputsAnalog,
12-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)
DAC0–DAC1Analog OutputAnalog,
Fast Flash Programming Interface (FFPI)
PGMEN0–PGMEN1Programming EnablingInputVDDIO
PGMM0–PGMM3Programming ModeInputVDDIO
PGMD0–PGMD15Programming DataI/O
PGMRDYProgramming ReadyOutputHigh
PGMNVALIDData DirectionOutputLow
PGMNOEProgramming ReadInputLow
PGMNCMDProgramming CommandInputLow
USB High Speed (USBHS)
HSDMUSB High -Speed Data -Analog,
HSDPUSB High-Speed Data +
VBGBias Voltage Reference for USBAnalog
Ethernet MAC 10/100 - GMAC
GREFCKReference ClockInputRMII only
GTXCKTransmit ClockInputMII only
GRXCKReceive ClockInputMII only
GTXENTransmit EnableOutput
GTX0 - GTX3Transmit DataOutputGTX0–GTX1 only in RMII
GTXERTransmit Coding ErrorOutputMII only
GRXDVReceive Data ValidInputMII only
GRX0 - GRX3Receive DataInputGRX0–GRX1 only in RMII
GRXERReceive ErrorInput
GCRSCarrier SenseInputMII only
GCOLCollision DetectedInputMII only
GMDCManagement Data ClockOutput
GMDIOManagement Data Input/OutputI/O
GTSUCOMPTSU timer comparison validOutputActive Low
Controller Area Network - MCAN (x=[0:1])
CANRXxCAN ReceiveInputCANRX1 is available on PD28 for 100-pin only

CANRX1 is available on PC12 for 144-pin only

CANTXxCAN TransmitOutputPCK5 can be used for CAN clock

PCK6 and PCK7 can be used for CAN timestamping

MediaLB - (MLB)
MLBCLKMLB Clockinput
  1. Refer to the Active Mode section in the Power Considerations chapter for restrictions on the voltage range of analog cells.
  2. AFE0_AD11 is not an actual pin but is connected to a temperature sensor.