4.3.2 AES Engine

Use the AES engine to encrypt/decrypt a stream of bytes. Using the HAL APIs, the user can perform Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) or Electronic Codebook (ECB) encryption and decryption with the HAL_AES_EncryptReq() function. The following code is an explanation of the inputs with an example:
void HAL_AES_EncryptReq(HAL_AES_EncryptReq_t *reqParams_s)
The user can perform the following actions in the enum with the above API:
/** Defines HAL AES commands such as setkey, cbc encrypt, cbc decrypt etc */
typedef enum
} HAL_AesCmd_t;
  1. To set the key in the AES engine before performing encryption/decryption:
    /* Declare a memory for Encrypt request*/
    HAL_AES_EncryptReq_t  appSetKeyReq;
    /* define a callback after key is set*/
    void setAesKeyConf(void)
    appSetKeyReq.aesCmd = SM_SET_KEY_COMMAND;
    appSetKeyReq.text = &key; // 16 bytes of key
    appSetKeyReq.blockcount = 1; // 128-bit block
    appSetKeyReq.encryptConf = setAesKeyConf;
  2. To perform ECB encryption after setting the key:
    /* Declare a memory for Encrypt request*/
    HAL_AES_EncryptReq_t  appEncryptReq;
    /* define a callback after key is set*/
    void aesEncryptConf(void)
      // Action to be taken after the encryption is completed for a block
    appEncryptReq.aesCmd = SM_ECB_ENCRYPT_COMMAND;
    appEncryptReq.text = &text; // 16 bytes of text to encrypt
    appEncryptReq.blockcount = 1; // 128-bit block
    appEncryptReq.encryptConf = aesEncryptConf;