4.2 Configuration Server Component Usage

BitCloud® provides an extensive set of configuration parameters that determine different aspects of network and node behavior. These parameters are accessible to an application via the Configuration Server (ConfigServer or CS) interface.
The user can divide the CS parameters into a set of categories according to different criteria. For example, the user can distinguish between persistent and non-persistent parameters.
  • Persistent parameters – Flash memory stores the persistent parameters and their values remain unchanged after the node hardware Reset.
  • Non-persistent parameters – The RAM stores the non-persistent parameters and, upon hardware Reset, they are reinitialized with their default values as specified in csDefaults.h.

Other criteria distinguish parameters that can be set only at compilation time, such as those used to calculate the amount of memory to be allocated by the application, and parameters that can be changed only when the device is out of the network since they determine certain network-related aspects of node behavior.

Note: If a parameter is persistent, this automatically means that it can be modified at run-time because there is no need to store parameters in Flash that cannot be changed between two hardware Resets.
The following sections describe typical cases of CS parameter usage, accompanied by explanations of how they affect the application’s or node’s behavior.