9.2.8 Clock

Enter the runtime clock (instruction) speed under this option category. This does not set the speed, but informs the debugger of its value for runtime watch, data capture and trace.

Table 9-10. Clock Option Category
Use FRC in Debug mode

(dsPIC33E/F and PIC24E/F/H devices only)

When debugging, use the device fast internal RC (FRC) for clocking instead of the oscillator specified for the application. This is useful when the application clock is slow.

Checking this checkbox will let the application run at the slow speed but debug at the faster FRC speed.

Reprogram after changing this setting.

Note: Peripherals that are not frozen will operate at the FRC speed while debugging.
Target run-time instruction speed Enter a value for the “Speed unit” selected.

Example 1: For a PIC24 MCU and a target clock oscillator at 32 MHz (HS), instruction speed = 32 MHz/2 = 16 MIPS.

Example 2: For a PIC18F8722 MCU and a target clock oscillator at 10 MHz (HS) making use of the PLL (x4 = 40 MHz), instruction speed = 40 MHz/4 = 10 MIPS.

Instruction speed units Select either:

KIPS – Thousands (103) of instructions per second

MIPS – Millions (106) of instructions per second