37.15 USB Characteristics

The USB on-chip buffers comply with the Universal Serial Bus (USB) v2.0 standard. All AC parameters related to these buffers can be found within the USB 2.0 electrical specifications.

The USB interface is USB-IF certified:

- TID 40001583 - Peripheral Silicon > Low/Full Speed > Silicon Building Blocks

- TID 120000272 - Embedded Hosts > Full Speed

Electrical configuration required to be USB compliance:

- The CPU frequency must be higher 8MHz when USB is active (No constraint for USB suspend mode)

- The operating voltages must be 3.3V (Min. 3.0V, Max. 3.6V).

- The GCLK_USB frequency accuracy source must be less than:

- In USB device mode, 48MHz +/-0.25%

- In USB host mode, 48MHz +/-0.05%

Table 37-64. GCLK_USB Clock Setup Recommendations
Clock setupUSB DeviceUSB Host
DFLL48MOpen loopNoNo
Closed loop, any internal OSC sourceNoNo
Closed loop, any external XOSC sourceYesNo
Closed loop, USB SOF source (USB recovery mode)(1)Yes(2)N/A
FDPLL96MAny internal OSC source (32K, 8M, ... )NoNo
Any external XOSC source (< 1MHz)YesNo
Any external XOSC source (> 1MHz)Yes(3)Yes

Notes: 1. When using DFLL48M in USB recovery mode, the Fine Step value must be Ah to guarantee a USB clock at +/-0.25% before 11ms after a resume.

2. Very high signal quality and crystal less. It is the best setup for USB Device mode.

3. FDPLL lock time is short when the clock frequency source is high (> 1MHz). Thus, FDPLL and external OSC can be stopped during USB suspend mode to reduce consumption and guarantee a USB wake-up time (See TDRSMDN in USB specification).