24.5.3 Clocks

The WDT bus clock (CLK_WDT_APB) can be enabled and disabled (masked) in the Main Clock module (MCLK).

A 1KHz oscillator clock (CLK_WDT_OSC) is required to clock the WDT internal counter. This clock must be configured and enabled in the 32KHz Oscillator Controller (OSC32KCTRL) before using the WDT.

CLK_WDT_OSC is normally sourced from the clock of the internal ultra-low-power oscillator, OSCULP32K. Due to the ultra-low-power design, the oscillator is not very accurate, and so the exact time-out period may vary from device to device. This variation must be kept in mind when designing software that uses the WDT to ensure that the time-out periods used are valid for all devices.

The counter clock CLK_WDT_OSC is asynchronous to the bus clock (CLK_WDT_APB). Due to this asynchronicity, writing to certain registers will require synchronization between the clock domains. Refer to Synchronization for further details.


Peripheral Clock Masking


Electrical Characteristics