Basic Operation
Initialization, Enabling, Disabling, and Resetting
The DPLLC is enabled by writing a '1' to the Enable bit in the DPLL Control A register (DPLLCTRLA.ENABLE). The DPLLC is disabled by writing a zero to this bit.
The DPLLSYNCBUSY.ENABLE is set when the DPLLCTRLA.ENABLE bit is modified. It is cleared when the DPLL output clock CK has sampled the bit at the high level after enabling the DPLL. When disabling the DPLL, DPLLSYNCBUSY.ENABLE is cleared when the output clock is no longer running.
The frequency of the DPLL output clock CK is stable when the module is enabled and when the Lock bit in the DPLL Status register is set (DPLLSTATUS.LOCK).
When the Lock Time bit field in the DPLL Control B register (DPLLCTRLB.LTIME) is non-zero, a user defined lock time is used to validate the lock operation. In this case the lock time is constant. If DPLLCTRLB.LTIME=0, the lock signal is linked with the status bit of the DPLL, and the lock time varies depending on the filter selection and the final target frequency.
When the Wake Up Fast bit (DPLLCTRLB.WUF) is set, the wake up fast mode is activated. In this mode the clock gating cell is enabled at the end of the startup time. At this time the final frequency is not stable, as it is still during the acquisition period, but it allows to save several milliseconds. After first acquisition, the Lock Bypass bit (DPLLCTRLB.LBYPASS) indicates if the lock signal is discarded from the control of the clock gater (CG) generating the output clock CLK_DPLL.
WUF | LTIME | CLK_DPLL Behavior |
0 | 0 | Normal Mode: First Edge when lock is asserted |
0 | Not Equal To Zero | Lock Timer Timeout mode: First Edge when the timer down-counts to 0. |
1 | X | Wake Up Fast Mode: First Edge when CK is active (startup time) |
0 | Normal Mode: the CLK_DPLL is turned off when lock signal is low. |
1 | Lock Bypass Mode: the CLK_DPLL is always running, lock is irrelevant. |
Reference Clock Switching
When a software operation requires reference clock switching, the recommended procedure is to turn the DPLL into the standby mode, modify the DPLLCTRLB.REFCLK to select the desired reference source, and activate the DPLL again.
Output Clock Prescaler
The DPLL controller includes an output prescaler. This prescaler provides three selectable output clocks CK, CKDIV2 and CKDIV4. The Prescaler bit field in the DPLL Prescaler register (DPLLPRESC.PRESC) is used to select a new output clock prescaler. When the prescaler field is modified, the DPLLSYNCBUSY.DPLLPRESC bit is set. It will be cleared by hardware when the synchronization is over.
Loop Divider Ratio Updates
The DPLL Controller supports on-the-fly update of the DPLL Ratio Control (DPLLRATIO) register, allowing to modify the loop divider ratio and the loop divider ratio fractional part when the DPLL is enabled.
STATUS.DPLLLDRTO is set when the DPLLRATIO register has been modified and the DPLL analog cell has successfully sampled the updated value. At that time the DPLLSTATUS.LOCK bit is cleared and set again by hardware when the output frequency reached a stable state.
Digital Filter Selection
The PLL digital filter (PI controller) is automatically adjusted in order to provide a good compromise between stability and jitter. Nevertheless a software operation can override the filter setting using the Filter bit field in the DPLL Control B register (DPLLCTRLB.FILTER). The Low Power Enable bit (DPLLCTRLB.LPEN) can be use to bypass the Time to Digital Converter (TDC) module.