12.2.2 Interrupt Line Mapping

Each of the 28 interrupt lines is connected to one peripheral instance, as shown in the table below. Each peripheral can have one or more interrupt flags, located in the peripheral’s Interrupt Flag Status and Clear (INTFLAG) register.

An interrupt flag is set when the interrupt condition occurs. Each interrupt in the peripheral can be individually enabled by writing a 1 to the corresponding bit in the peripheral’s Interrupt Enable Set (INTENSET) register, and disabled by writing 1 to the corresponding bit in the peripheral’s Interrupt Enable Clear (INTENCLR) register.

An interrupt request is generated from the peripheral when the interrupt flag is set and the corresponding interrupt is enabled.

The interrupt requests for one peripheral are ORed together on system level, generating one interrupt request for each peripheral. An interrupt request will set the corresponding interrupt pending bit in the NVIC interrupt pending registers (SETPEND/CLRPEND bits in ISPR/ICPR).

For the NVIC to activate the interrupt, it must be enabled in the NVIC interrupt enable register (SETENA/CLRENA bits in ISER/ICER). The NVIC interrupt priority registers IPR0-IPR7 provide a priority field for each interrupt.

Table 12-3. Interrupt Line Mapping
Peripheral sourceNVIC line
EIC NMI – External Interrupt ControllerNMI

PM – Power Manager

MCLK - Main Clock

OSCCTRL - Oscillators Controller

OSC32KCTRL - 32KHz Oscillators Controller

SUPC - Supply Controller

PAC - Protecion Access Controller

WDT – Watchdog Timer1
RTC – Real Time Counter2
EIC – External Interrupt Controller3
NVMCTRL – Non-Volatile Memory Controller4
DMAC - Direct Memory Access Controller5
USB - Universal Serial Bus6
EVSYS – Event System7
SERCOM0 – Serial Communication Interface 08
SERCOM1 – Serial Communication Interface 19
SERCOM2 – Serial Communication Interface 210
SERCOM3 – Serial Communication Interface 311
SERCOM4 – Serial Communication Interface 412
SERCOM5 – Serial Communication Interface 513
TCC0 – Timer Counter for Control 014
TCC1 – Timer Counter for Control 115
TCC2 – Timer Counter for Control 216
TC0 – Timer Counter 017
TC1 – Timer Counter 118
TC2 – Timer Counter 219
TC3 – Timer Counter 320
TC4 – Timer Counter 421
ADC – Analog-to-Digital Converter22
AC – Analog Comparator23
DAC – Digital-to-Analog Converter24
PTC – Peripheral Touch Controller25
AES - Advanced Encrytpion Standard module26
TRNG - True Random Number Generator27