Sleep Mode Operation

Standby Mode

The BOD33 can be used in standby mode if the BOD is enabled and the corresponding Run in Standby bit is written to '1' (BOD33.RUNSTDBY).

The BOD33 can be configured to work in either Continuous or Sampling Mode by writing a '1' to the Configuration in Standby Sleep Mode bit (BOD33.STDBYCFG).

Backup Mode

In Backup mode, the BOD12 is automatically disabled.

If the BOD33 is enabled and the Run in Backup sleep mode bit in the BOD33 register (BOD33.RUNBKUP) is written to '1', the BOD33 will operate in Sampling mode. In this state, the voltage monitored by BOD33 is always the supply of the backup domain, i.e. VDD or VBAT.