
The EIC must be initialized in the following order:

  1. Enable CLK_EIC_APB
  2. If required, configure the NMI by writing the Non-Maskable Interrupt Control register (NMICTRL)
  3. When the NMI is used or synchronous edge detection or filtering are required, enable GCLK_EIC or CLK_ULP32K.

    GCLK_EIC is used when a frequency higher than 32KHz is required for filtering, CLK_ULP32K is recommended when power consumption is the priority. For CLK_ULP32K write a '1' to the Clock Selection bit in the Control A register (CTRLA.CKSEL). Optionally, enable the asynchronous mode.

  4. Configure the EIC input sense and filtering by writing the Configuration n register (CONFIGn).
  5. Enable the EIC.

The following bits are enable-protected, meaning that it can only be written when the EIC is disabled (CTRLA.ENABLE=0):

  • Clock Selection bit in Control A register (CTRLA.CKSEL)

The following registers are enable-protected:

  • Event Control register (EVCTRL)
  • Configuration n register ( CONFIGn)
  • External Interrupt Asynchronous Mode register (ASYNCH)

Enable-protected bits in the CTRLA register can be written at the same time when setting CTRLA.ENABLE to '1', but not at the same time as CTRLA.ENABLE is being cleared.

Enable-protection is denoted by the "Enable-Protected" property in the register description.