8.4 Analog ONDEMAND Function

General Function

The analog ONDEMAND feature allows other analog peripherals to request the OPAMP.
Note: The analog ONDEMAND is independent of the ONDEMAND bit located in each source clock controller, used for requesting source clocks.

The OPAMP can be enabled by requests from ADC or AC.

The request mechanism is activated by writing a '1' to the OPAMP.OPAMPCTRLx.ONDEMAND bit. When a request is sent by one of the peripherals to OPAMPx, the OPAMPx will start up and acknowledge the request as soon as it is fully enabled.

If the OPAMP.OPAMPCTRLx.ONDEMAND bit is '0' but OPAMPx is enabled already, a request will be immediately acknowledged. If OPAMPCTRLx.ONDEMAND=0 and the OPAMPx is disabled, requests will not be acknowledged: requests are handled only when the OPAMP output is active (OPAMPCTRLx.ANAOUT=1).

In Standby sleep mode, the ONDEMAND operation is still active if OPAMPCTRLx.ONDEMAND=1. If OPAMPCTRLx.ONDEMAND=0, the OPAMPx is disabled.

The OPAMP controller peripheral must be configured appropriately before being requested.

For the ADC peripheral, ONDEMAND requests to the OPAMP are enabled by writing the ADC.CTRLA.ONDEMAND bit to '1'.

For the AC peripheral,there is no explicit ONDEMAND bit in the registers. ONDEMAND requests to OPAMPx are issued either when the AC is used in single-shot mode, or when comparisons are triggered by events from the Event System. The OPAMP must be selected as input of the AC previously.

When the Negative Input MUX Selection bit field of the Comparator 1 Control register is set to DAC/OPAMP (AC.COMPCTRL1.MUXNEG=0x7), the AC will start issuing ONDEMAND requests to OPAMP.

Alternative Requests

When OPAMPx is set to accept ONDEMAND requests (OPAMP.OPAMCTRLx.ONDEMAND=1) but the ADC is not configured to issue requests to it (ADC.CTRLA.ONDEMAND=0), the ADC will send continuous requests to the receiver selected by ADC.INPUTCTRL.MUXPOS.

If ADC.INPUTCTRL.MUXPOS=0x1E, OPAMP0 and OPAMP1 will receive requests.

If ADC.INPUTCTRL.MUXPOS=0x1F, only OPAMP2 will receive requests.

When OPAMPx is set to accept ONDEMAND requests (OPAMP.OPAMCTRLx.ONDEMAND=1) but the AC is not configured to issue requests to it (AC.CTRLA.ONDEMAND=0), the AC will send continuous requests to the receiver selected by AC.COMPCTRLx.MUXNEG.

If AC.COMPCTRL1.MUXNEG=0x7, OPAMP2 will receive requests.

If AC.COMPCTRL0.MUXNEG=0x7, DAC0 will receive requests.


Operational Amplifier Controller (OPAMP)