51.7.3 20-pin IDC JTAG Connector

For debuggers and/or programmers that support the 20-pin IDC JTAG Connector, e.g. the SAM-ICE, the signals should be connected as shown in Figure 51-14 with details described in Table 51-12.

Figure 51-14. 20-pin IDC JTAG Connector
Table 51-12. 20-pin IDC JTAG Connector
Header Signal NameDescription
SWDCLKSerial wire clock pin
SWDIOSerial wire bidirectional data pin
RESETTarget device reset pin, active low
VCCTarget voltage sense, should be connected to the device VDD
GND*These pins are reserved for firmware extension purposes. They can be left unconnected or connected to GND in normal debug environment. They are not essential for SWD in general.