Getting Started: Atmel START Configuration Screens

Getting Started: START Config Screens - PLAYLIST.


Even if you don't have the hardware, you will be able to watch the videos to see the flow and the end result.

Hardware Used:
  • ATtiny817 Xplained Pro
  • One Micro USB cable (type A/Micro B)
Software prerequisites:
  • Internet connection to Atmel START
  • Atmel Studio 7 IDE
  • Beginner
Estimated Completion Time:
  • 60 minutes

Icon Key Identifiers

The following icons are used in this document to identify different assignment sections and to reduce complexity.

Info: Delivers contextual information about a specific topic.
Tip: Highlights useful tips and techniques.
Todo: Highlights objectives to be completed.
Result: Highlights the expected result of an assignment step.
Attention: Indicates important information.
Execute: Highlights actions to be executed out of the target when necessary.