3 Device Behavior Configuration Options

Sleep Mode During Operation

  • Provides option to choose the sleep modes (i.e. Power Save or Power Down) of ATmega256RFR2 based on application requirement
  • External 32kHz crystal should be set to "Available" for enabling "Power Save" mode option

Average Shelf-period

  • Shelf period is the length of time during which a product may be stored in point of sale or warehouse before being actually deployed or installed
  • This parameter will be non-zero, only when the product is shipped along with battery
  • This parameter will be zero for products which require battery installing at the time of deployment or installation
  • Field takes average shelf period in terms of days. So, a proper conversion is required before entering if this value is not in days.

For example, if the average shelf period of a product is 5 years (i.e. 5 x 365 = 1825 days), then input value will be 1825.

Average Interval for Transmitting an Application Data Frame with APS ACK

  • If application feature requests for a periodic transmission of application data frame with an APS acknowledgment then this field will be non-zero
  • Otherwise value of this field must be zero
  • Field takes average interval for transmitting an application data frame with APS ACK in terms of seconds. So, proper conversion is required before entering the duration.

For example, if average interval for transmitting an application data frame with APS ACK is once an hour (i.e. 1 hour = 3600 seconds). Then the input value will be 3600.

Average Interval for Transmitting an Application Data Frame without APS ACK

  • A battery performs well when new but the capacity begins to fade with use and time
  • Depending on the battery type and characteristics user have to input the amount charge leaked due to self-discharge in percentage format

Parent Polling Interval

  • If the end device application periodically polls its parent then parent polling interval will be non-zero
  • Otherwise this field needs to be entered as zero
  • Field takes parent polling interval in terms of seconds, so a proper conversion is required before entering the duration

For example, if parent polling interval is once an hour (i.e. 1 hour = 3600 seconds), then input value will be 3600.

Average Occurrence of Parent Joining

  • It is necessary that a ZigBee end device enters a ZigBee network by joining any one of potential parent node
  • Parent joining event shall happen multiple times depending on the application requirement
  • Field takes average occurrence of parent joining event happening per month. So, a proper conversion is required before entering the number of occurrence.

For example, if the average occurrence of parent joining is once in two month, then input value will be 0.5.

Average Occurrence of Rejoin to Same Parent

  • Sometime due to environmental condition, ZigBee end device might lose its parent and tries to rejoin the same parent
  • Rejoin to same parent event shall happen multiple times over the life time
  • Field takes average occurrence of rejoin to same parent event happening per month. So, a proper conversion is required before entering the number of occurrence.

For example, if the average occurrence of rejoin to parent is once in two months, then the input value will be 0.5.

Average Occurrence of Parent Change

  • In a ZigBee network, the ZigBee end device might not be able to reach its parent node under such circumstances. The ZigBee end device will search for other potential parent node.
  • Parent change event shall happen multiple times depending multiple factors like broken parent node, environment condition, out of coverage range, etc.
  • Field takes average occurrence of parent change event happening per month, so proper conversion is required before entering the number of occurrence

For example, If the average occurrence of parent change is once in two months, then input value will be 0.5.

Average Occurrence of Hardware Reset

  • User might be required to reset the hardware multiple times during the product life cycle
  • Field takes average occurrence of hardware reset happening per month, so proper conversion is required before entering the number of occurrence

For example, if the average occurrence of hardware reset is once per month, then input value will be 1.

Average Occurrence of Factory New Joining

  • The user might want to make the product factory new state multiple times during the product life cycle
  • Field takes average occurrence of factory new joining happening per month, so proper conversion is required before entering the number of occurrence

For example, if average occurrence of hardware reset is once per month, then input value will be 1.

OTA Upgrade Mode

  • The application might support Over-The-Air upgrade feature or not
  • Based on that it is required to choose either "None" or "Block Mode" for Over the Air upgrade
  • Serial/OTA bootloader should be set to "Available" for enabling "Block Mode" option

New Binary Image Size

  • Depending on the new application firmware image size, the number of transmission frames will vary
  • The user has to enter new binary image size in terms of bytes, so proper conversion is required before entering the number of occurrence
  • Serial/OTA bootloader should be set to "Available" and "Block Mode" option should be chosen in OTA upgrade mode for enabling New binary image size

For example, if new binary image size is 200k, then input value will be 200000.

Average Occurrence of Over The Air upgrade

  • Depending on the product requirement, Over-The-Air firmware upgrade should happen multiple times during the product life time
  • The user has to enter average occurrence of Over-The-Air upgrade happening per year, so proper conversion is required before entering the number of occurrence
  • Serial/OTA bootloader should be set to "Available" and "Block Mode" option should be chosen in OTA upgrade mode for enabling Average occurrence of Over-The-Air upgrade

For example, if the average occurrence of Over The Air upgrade is 5 times per year, then input value will be 5.