2 Hardware Platform Configuration Options

MCU Clock Frequency

  • Provides option to choose either 8MHz or 16MHz clock frequency selection for the MCU
  • Depending on the clock frequency selection the power consumption of device is included accordingly during battery life calculation

Serial/OTA Bootloader

  • Depending on availability of bootloader in the application, corresponding option is chosen
  • Presence of bootloader will consume more power due to bootloader initialization

Full Battery Capacity

  • Depending on end product’s battery specification user have to input corresponding value
  • Field accepts unit of battery capacity as mAh. If the battery capacity is not specified in mAh, appropriate conversion is required.

Self-discharge of the Battery

  • A battery performs well when new. But the capacity begins to reduce with use and time.
  • Depending on the battery type and characteristics, the user must specify the amount of charge leaked due to self-discharge in percentage format

Usable Capacity of the Battery

  • To ensure reliable operation over many years, the design engineers shall include a reserve and below which battery is marked as dead
  • In general 15-20% of battery capacity would be considered as unusable
  • Depending on the battery type and characteristics, the user may have to specify the unusable capacity of the battery in percentage format
Figure 2-1. Battery Capacity

External 32kHz Crystal

  • Based on the product hardware specification, the design may or may not have an external 32kHz crystal for periodic wake-up during sleep state
  • Option are selected depending on the availability of external 32kHz crystal