5 Formula and Calculations

In the Excel calculation, all scenarios are normalized for a number of occurrence happening over a period of a year. The following scenarios are explained in AT03663: Power Consumption of ZigBee End Device application notes.

Power on Initialization

Power on initialization occurrence based on two different user inputs,
  • Average occurrence of Factory New (FN) joining
  • Average occurrence of hardware reset

Average occurrence of Power on initialization events = Average occurrence of Factory New (FN) joining + Average occurrence of hardware reset

Classical Join

Classical Join is a network association procedure and the occurrence of it is based on two different user inputs,
  • Average occurrence of Factory New (FN) joining
  • Average occurrence of parent joining
Average occurrence of Classical Join events = Average occurrence of Factory New (FN) joining + Average occurrence of parent joining.

Rejoin to Parent

Rejoin to parent event occurrence depends on two different user inputs,
  • Average occurrence of rejoin to same parent
  • Average occurrence of hardware reset
Average occurrence of Rejoin to parent events = Average occurrence of rejoin to same parent + Average occurrence of hardware reset.