44.6.2 Basic Operation

The receiver can be operated by reading the Receiver Holding register (I2SC_RHR), whenever the Receive Ready (RXRDY) bit in the Status register (I2SC_SR) is set. Successive values read from RHR correspond to the samples from the left and right audio channels for the successive frames.

The transmitter can be operated by writing to the Transmitter Holding register (I2SC_THR), whenever the Transmit Ready (TXRDY) bit in the I2SC_SR is set. Successive values written to THR correspond to the samples from the left and right audio channels for the successive frames.

RXRDY and TXRDY can be polled by reading the I2SC_SR.

The I2SC processor load can be reduced by enabling interrupt-driven operation. RXRDY and/or TXRDY interrupt requests can be enabled by writing a ’1’ to the corresponding bit in the Interrupt Enable register (I2SC_IER). The interrupt service routine associated to the I2SC interrupt request is executed whenever the Receive Ready or the Transmit Ready status bit is set.