Manchester Decoder

When the FLEX_US_MR.MAN bit is set, the Manchester decoder is enabled. The decoder performs both preamble and start frame delimiter detection. One input line is dedicated to Manchester encoded input data.

An optional preamble sequence can be defined. Its length is user-defined and totally independent of the transmitter side. Use the FLEX_US_MAN.RX_PL field to configure the length of the preamble sequence. If the length is set to 0, no preamble is detected and the function is disabled. In addition, the polarity of the input stream is programmable with the FLEX_US_MAN.RX_MPOL bit. Depending on the desired application, the preamble pattern matching is to be defined via the FLEX_US_MAN.RX_PP field. See figure Preamble Patterns, Default Polarity Assumed for available preamble patterns.

Unlike preamble, the start frame delimiter is shared between Manchester Encoder and Decoder. So, if ONEBIT bit = 1, only a zero encoded Manchester can be detected as a valid start frame delimiter. If ONEBIT = 0, only a sync pattern is detected as a valid start frame delimiter. Decoder operates by detecting transition on incoming stream. If RXD is sampled during one quarter of a bit time to zero, a start bit is detected. See the following figure. The sample pulse rejection mechanism applies.

The FLEX_US_MAN.RXIDLEV bit informs the USART of the receiver line idle state value (receiver line inactive). The user must define RXIDLEV to ensure reliable synchronization. By default, RXIDLEV is set to one (receiver line is at level 1 when there is no activity).

Figure 47-13. Asynchronous Start Bit Detection

The receiver is activated and starts preamble and frame delimiter detection, sampling the data at one quarter and then three quarters. If a valid preamble pattern or start frame delimiter is detected, the receiver continues decoding with the same synchronization. If the stream does not match a valid pattern or a valid start frame delimiter, the receiver resynchronizes on the next valid edge.The minimum time threshold to estimate the bit value is three quarters of a bit time.

If a valid preamble (if used) followed with a valid start frame delimiter is detected, the incoming stream is decoded into NRZ data and passed to USART for processing. The following figure illustrates Manchester pattern mismatch. When incoming data stream is passed to the USART, the receiver is also able to detect Manchester code violation. A code violation is a lack of transition in the middle of a bit cell. In this case, the MANE flag in FLEX_US_CSR is raised. It is cleared by writing a one to FLEX_US_CR.RSTSTA. See figure "Manchester Error Flag" below for an example of Manchester error detection during the data phase.

Figure 47-14. Preamble Pattern Mismatch
Figure 47-15. Manchester Error Flag

When the start frame delimiter is a sync pattern (ONEBIT = 0), both command and data delimiter are supported. If a valid sync is detected, the received character is written as RXCHR field in the Receive Holding register (FLEX_US_RHR) and the RXSYNH is updated. RXCHR is set to 1 when the received character is a command, and it is set to 0 if the received character is a data. This mechanism alleviates and simplifies the direct memory access as the character contains its own sync field in the same register.

As the decoder is setup to be used in Unipolar mode, the first bit of the frame has to be a zero-to-one transition.