8.3 Power-down Considerations

The figure below shows the power-down sequence that starts by asserting the NRST line to 0. Once NRST is asserted, the supply inputs can be immediately shut down without any specific timing or order. VDDBU may not be shut down if the application uses a backup battery on this supply input. In applications where VDDFUSE is powered, it is mandatory to shut down VDDFUSE prior to removing any other supply. VDDFUSE can be removed before or after asserting the NRST signal.

Figure 8-2. Recommended Power-down Sequence
Table 8-3. Power-down Timing Specification
tRSTPDReset delay at power-downFrom NRST low to the first supply turn-off0ms
t1VDDFUSE delay at shut-downFrom VDDFUSE < 1V to the first supply turn-off0