39.6.6 Chrominance Upsampling Unit

Both the 4:2:2 and the 4:2:0 input formats are supported by the LCD module. In 4:2:2, the two chrominance components are sampled at half the luminance sample rate. The horizontal chrominance resolution is halved. When this input format is selected, the chrominance upsampling unit uses two chrominances to interpolate the missing component.

In 4:2:0, Cr and Cb components are subsampled at a factor of two vertically and horizontally. When this input mode is selected, the chrominance upsampling unit uses two and four chroma components to generate the missing horizontal and vertical components.

Figure 39-3. 4:2:2 Upsampling Algorithm
Figure 39-4. 4:2:2 Packed Upsampling Algorithm
Figure 39-5. 4:2:2 Semiplanar and Planar Upsampling Algorithm - 90 or 270 Degree R Rotation Activated
Figure 39-6. 4:2:0 Upsampling Algorithm
Chroma x 2 , 0 = Cr 0 , 0 + Cr 0 , x 2
Chroma 0 , y 2 = Cr 0 , 0 + C 0 , y 2
Chroma x 2 , y 2 = Cr 0 , 0 + Cr x , 0 + Cr y , 0 + Cr x , y 4
Chroma x , y 2 = Cr x , 0 + Cr x , y 2
Chroma x 2 , y = Cr 0 , y + Cr x , y 2